CARB Composite Wood Air Toxic Control Measure
In April 2007, the California Air Resources Board (CARB), a department of the California Environmental Protection Agency, voted to implement new limits for formaldehyde emitted from composite wood panels. These new limits will be implemented in two phases starting January 1, 2009. When the final limits are fully in place by 2012, the regulation will establish the toughest production standard in the world for formaldehyde emissions from composite wood panels.

The California regulation governs the formaldehyde in both raw composite wood panels and finished products sold or used in California. Both imported and domestic products are regulated, and must be third-party certified and clearly labeled to indicate they meet California's requirements.

The California Air Resources Board is enforcing an airborne toxic control measure to reduce formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products. The composite wood products covered by this regulation are hardwood plywood, particleboard, and medium density fiberboard. All finished goods that contain composite wood products, that are sold, offered for sale, supplied, used, or manufactured for sale in California must follow this standard. Giorgio Global is using approved materials to fulfill this standard.

Get more information about CARB compliance (PDF)